RiverWalk Environmental Day

January 25, 2025 - 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

RiverWalk, West Palm Beach, FL

Everyone is invited and URGED to attend. Please contact Marcia (703 915-6840 bedasser1@bellsouth.net). She has to let the organizers know who and how many of us will be there.

This is a lovely, active community and this event is one we anticipate becoming a regular event for us. The development is located just north of Okeechobee Blvd. west of the turnpike. Attendees will be good prospects for membership because they live close to Mounts where we hold our meetings.

The organizers are providing a tent, table(s), and lunch, and we will participate with a small selection of plants to sell, a demonstration of begonia propagation, and whatever else you and we all can put together to expose visitors to the world of begonias. No cost for us.

Set-up is between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Whatever you can do to help is much appreciated - bring a plant to show or whatever you think would be educational. Come for even half an hour; anything you can offer. You can check this link: www.riverwalkofwpb.com. "There will be over 30 exhibitors representing environmental and wildlife organizations, amazing raffle prizes, a free native tree giveaway, a children's scavenger hunt, native plants, roses, and T-shirts for sale, wildlife, a silent auction, handouts and giveaways from our exhibitors, and much, much more! "

Plan to attend and help out for however long you can give, and again, please let us know if you are coming. If you need to reach anyone the day of the event, please contact Lois (703 915-6840).

If you have any questions, please text Lois (703 915-6840) or Marcia (561 308-1661).

We hope to see you there!


Mounts Fall Plant Sale

Saturday and Sunday, November 2 & 3, 2024

West Palm Beach, FL

Mounts Fall Plant Sale is coming and the Begonia Society of the Palm Beaches will be there. We are a small group and it takes a great deal of effort to pull this off. We need everyone to volunteer.

Set up is Friday, November 1.

Tear Down is Sunday afternoon.

Please plan on attending and helping. Sandy will send out volunteer info soon.

Field Trip to Doug Pridgen

June 8, 2024

Micanopy, FL

Boca Raton Garden Club Flower Show

April 20, 2024 & April 21, 2024

GardenFest in Riverside Park, Vero Beach

February 3, 2024 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) & February 4, 2024 (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

Riverside Park, 3260 Riverside Park Drive, Vero Beach, FL 32963

Hosted by the Garden Club of Indian River County for 22 years.
For more information, please visit Garden Fest Overview.

Bring a wagon to help carry all your finds!

Field trip to the home of Johanna Kitson

Saturday, November 11, 2023
10:00 AM

Port St. Lucie

Johanna is down-sizing her plant collection due to health issues, and is looking for good homes for them. She is offering begonias, aroids, palms and bromeliads for sale. Most plants will start at $5 with a few rarer specimens priced at $10 to $25 (cash or check). If a plant is not priced, you decide what to pay.

Bring small or large black bags, 13 gallon white bags, boxes, or wax boxes. In some cases there are three begonia plants per large pot so you'll need to dig out the one you want. Don't forget your gloves!

Afterwards the group plans to go out for lunch.

We all had a great day the last time we visited Johanna. I encourage you to join in the fun; friends are invited to come too!

Tour of Gene Joyner's Unbelievable Acres Botanic Gardens

Tuesday, July 25, 2023
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Carpool from Mounts Auditorium - Meet at 5:00 PM
Admission fee: $10.00

Our branch has been invited to join the Evening Herb Society of the Palm Beaches for a tour of Gene Joyner's Unbelievable Acres Botanic Gardens.

Please confirm if you plan to attend by text or email to our President, Rebecca Stallard:
(561) 400-2119, or stallardrebeccar@hotmail.com (don't miss the 3rd "r" if you use email).

Long pants, long sleeves, and bug spray are recommended.

Waterlily Celebration at McKee Botanical Garden

Saturday, June 17, 2023
8:30 AM to 2:00 PM

McKee Garden website

350 U.S. Hwy 1, Vero Beach
Regular admission fees apply

"It's time for the 18th annual Waterlily Celebration at McKee Botanical Garden. As guests stroll the garden's pathways, they will see one of the largest collections of water lilys in the state, along with artists working en plein air to depict these colorful flowers. Water lily photo contest submissions will be on display in the Hall of Giants. The event is a great opportunity to learn all about water lilies and enjoy their beauty."

Garden Tour at the home of Kit Pannill

Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 10:30 AM

We have been invited to enjoy the splendor of fellow begonia lover Kit Pannill's begonia collection.
Please plan to carpool as much as possible to avoid major congestion in Kit's cul-de-sac.

Mounts Spring Plant Sale

April 29 and April 30, 2023

Earth Day... Every Day
sponsored by the Wellington Garden Club

an NGC (National Garden Club) Horticulture Specialty Flower Show

April 22, 2023 from 11:30 AM to 4:00 PM at the Wellington Community Center, 12150 Forest Hill Blvd., Wellington, FL.

DEADLINE TO ENTER: Pre-Registration form due Wednesday, April 12 at 11:59 PM.
The form says that the deadline is April 1, but it has been extended.

Pre-Registration Form

Take a picture of the completed form and send via email or text to Stormi Biven (561) 352-0129 sbivin@aol.com or Petra Russell (561)398-5588 rede2enjoylife@gmail.com. (Their phone numbers and emails are also on the form.)

This event will be an excellent opportunity to show off your begonias locally.

To enter one or several of your begonias, there are guidelines to follow:

There is space for five plant entrees on each Pre-Registration form. (Use more than one form, if you have more than five plants to enter.)

Look over your plants and decide which ones you can enter. They should preferably be in bloom for the day of the flower show. If so, enter them under Section B (Container grown Flowering Plants), Class 10 (Begoniaceae, Begonia).

If you have begonias to show that will not be in bloom, you can enter them under Section A (Container Grown Foliage Plants), Class 8 (Any other worthy specimen) (if they do not fit into Classes 1 through 7).

If you have flowering begonias in the landscape, you can enter a flowering branch in Section E (Arboreal Cut Flowering Branches), Class 37 (Any other worthy specimen).

Terrariums In addition to qualifying for sections A, B, or E, if you have a terrarium which is grown with the lid off, you may enter it in section A if it’s flowering, section B if it’s not flowering, or section F Class 40 if you have a combination of 3 or more plants.

Classes 28 through 36 are specifically designated. Please look at The Schedule for rules pertaining to them.

Maximum container size is 12 inches. Maximum weight is 20 lbs.

For more information about the specific rules, check The Schedule (and also provided on the Wellington Garden Club website: wellingtongardenclub.org). Feel free to call Petra or me (561 889-4291) with your questions.

Entries are to be brought to the Wellington Community Center on Friday, April 21, between 11 AM and 1 PM They must be picked up after the show on Saturday, between 4 and 5 PM.

Members' Garden Tour to the homes of Pauline and Frances

March 18, 2023, time TBD

Workday on the Begonia Garden at Mounts

Saturday, February 18, 2023 @ 10 a.m.

Mounts staff member Palmer Crippen will meet us there to offer his skills and insight.